Google vs. the Interstitials
1-minute read
Today, I rejoice: Google is lowering search result rankings for websites that choose to vomit interstitial pop-ups and ads at users before they can even see the site.
Granted, it’s not a blacklist — it’s only one of many attributes that determine search ranking. But serious sites pray at the alter of Google, knowing its search dominance. This is meaningful.
Interstitials don’t work.
If you partake in this heavy-handed form of advertisement or self-promotion, know that you’re creating hoops that users now instinctively dismiss — or, if they’re like me, cause them to simply leave before ever seeing your content.
Check out the site of a company that thinks “interstitials are killing it”:
A banner ad, under an interstitial ad, under a blood-red subscription banner. Looks great.
They’re bad, and you should feel bad.
Thanks for doing the right thing, Google. (And for defending my personal sanity.)
This was originally posted on Medium.